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    Friday, April 9, 2021

    Injustice Level 30 Legendary Batman.

    Injustice Level 30 Legendary Batman.

    Level 30 Legendary Batman.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    After my New Gods post I decided to try and make a character wishlist of reasonable size

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Final legendary gear

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    Justice league

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if you can get justice league gear through mother boxes because I've gotten a couple of things for Wonder Woman but I don't know if I had them from the tower or mother boxes

    submitted by /u/CAPTAIN-CRIPPLED
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    I made a custom cover because my used copy didn't come with one what do you think.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Multiverse issues - Xbox series X

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    So basically, I've played injustice 2 for a while on my Xbox one before I got my series x, and now the multiverse just won't work for me at all. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and everything, please help

    submitted by /u/KingAuryn
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    Is red hood a good starting character

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    I have played fighting games like mortal kombat before so I know what im doing and I have learned red hood

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    submitted by /u/boidudebro13
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    Which one would you pick?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Personally I would go with Blue Beatle.

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    submitted by /u/Thebaconking987
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    Are there any other epic gear sets with bonuses that make cosmetic changes like how Superman's House El set gives him blue lasers?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    Is Superman's House El set the only one that changes the visuals of moves? Or are there other ones with similar effects? If so, which ones are they?

    submitted by /u/Shiny_Shiny_Shiny
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    Chapter Six

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    Hey! Chapter Six is now out!

    Chapters 1-5 are down below:






    Let me know what you guys think in the comments section below!



    The Red Hood mask is sitting on a stool as Jason Todd cleans his gun. He checks a tracker, and a red dot is moving. It stops abruptly, and Jason says it's time to move. Barbara Gordon and Roy Harper are seen grabbing their utility belts, and the team grapples up into the sky.

    At Ace Chemicals, Jonathan Crane is sitting with Roman Sionis. During the escape of the criminals, Mr. Freeze, Black Mask, and Killer Croc also escaped. The mob boss's crew is bringing chemicals in for Crane. Black Mask says that this better work because he doesn't want any more teenagers damaging his head. Red Hood drops through the skylight and tells him that a fully grown adult can do it for him. Crane says that he needs more time to prepare. Batgirl and Arsenal start working on destroying the chemicals and gathering evidence, while Red Hood begins doing what he does best. Two thugs try to hit Jason, but he grabs both of their hands, kicks one in the stomach, shoots the other, and then throws the injured one.

    Multiple snipers train on the vigilante. Black Mask tells Red Hood to stop in his tracks, or he'll end up as his new decor. Jason continues to move, and the snipers try to shoot. They realize their weapons are jammed before they backfire and electrocute the users. Black Mask signals an unknown assailant, and Killer Croc bursts out of a garage door. Waylon charges at Jason and choke-slams him. Jason struggles but ultimately shoots through Croc's hand. Red Hood kicks off of Croc.


    Red Hood shoots Killer Croc in the legs twice, and he falls to the floor, groaning. Red Hood approaches Black Mask. He bangs his head against a table and starts to ask where the Scarecrow is. Black Mask submits and tells him that he is in the basement. Red Hood ties his arm to a table and walks towards the door before being shot.


    Batgirl swiftly kicks a thug, and Arsenal shoots an arrow through another thug's gun and then slams his head against an electrical panel. Batgirl inspects a gun and notices something odd about one of the bullets. There is a small, green panel against the bullet. Arsenal and Batgirl, at the same time, figure out what it is: fear gas. They scan the containers, and they conclude that more fear gas is being stored. They realize that they are creating guns and bullets stored with fear gas.

    Batgirl and Arsenal swoop in and find Red Hood writhing on the floor, screaming.

    Red Hood hears a familiar cackle. He feels himself being tied to a chair, and insects crawling on his feet. He is in a tattered Robin outfit, and he has a black eye, with blood splattered on his face. He inspects his surroundings and remembers that this was where he died: Joker's warehouse. Harley Quinn approaches him and asks him who got himself in this situation. Jason responds with Joker. Harley tells him that he said the wrong answer, and tases him. He cries and tells her that this is Batman's fault. She giggles and kisses Jason on the cheek.

    The Joker walks in and wishes him a happy sixth-month anniversary. Jason cries as he does not know this. Joker tells him to cheer up, as he had brought him a cake. Jason uses his head to knock down the plate out of his hands, and the Joker tells him that he has to work on his comedy material, and whips out a crowbar.

    Jason screams, and the Joker hits him three times before Batman grapples the crowbar out of his grasp. The Joker tells Batman that the warehouse is wired with explosives, and if he takes one more step, the parking lot will be covered in hamburger meat. Joker leaves the abandoned warehouse, and Batman scans the area. He sees that there are multiple pressure plates, and avoids each of them. As Batman unties Jason, the building explodes and collapses. Batman carries the dead Jason out of the rubble.

    Jason wakes up in the Chamber of the Demon. The Joker is arguing over the possession of Jason with Ra's Al Ghul. Unlike what had actually happened, Jason had one of his guns, which Joker notices. His eyes start glowing green and he tells him that he is worthless. He tells him that Batman didn't want a son, but he landed in his lap anyway. This infuriates Jason and shoots him.

    When the bullet hits Joker, bats fly towards him and Batman takes his place. He tells Jason that the Joker was right to kill him. Jason is now in his full Red Hood outfit and puts on his helmet. He tells this fake version of Batman that he may have a burning hatred for Bruce, but he knows that he still cares for him.


    In the real world, Jason has defeated the effects of the toxin. Red Hood runs towards Black Mask, who watched the whole event. Black Mask shoots another fear gas bullet, and Red Hood dodges at Barbara's expense. She proceeds to have a seizure, and Arsenal tells Jason that he will bring her to Batman. Jason objects, but Roy proceeds to shoot a grapple arrow and zoom out of the building.

    Red Hood sees that Black Mask is running towards a truck, and he throws a mine at it. He detonates it, which causes a small explosion. Red Hood lands in front of Sionis, and they proceed to fight.


    Red Hood shoots Black Mask twice in his right shoulder. He wails, and Red Hood bashes his head into the ground.

    In the basement, Jonathan Crane is taking off his Scarecrow mask. A gloved hand pulls him into the shadows.

    As Red Hood is tying Roman Sionis to the wall, Deathstroke walks towards him, carrying Crane, who has a knife in his thigh. Red Hood attacks him, but Slade says that he only needs to talk business. Red Hood tells him that he knows what type of business he wants to talk about: Slade killing him.


    Deathstroke tells him that he was wrong. He begins to tell Red Hood about his time in the Insurgency, and how he realized that he needs to join the heroes again. Red Hood asks why he is telling him this, and he tells him that they will pay a visit to the Justice League.

    At the Hall of Justice, Batman and Red Hood stare at each other, before taking off their masks. The two hug and Batman asks what he needs. Slade interrupts and tells them that they are ready to join them to stop the Regime.

    Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, King Shark, Killer Frost, Zod, Cyborg, Amazo, Darkseid, Bizarro, and Nightwing enter the abandoned Fortress of Solitude. They find Heatwave and Mr. Freeze sitting on crates, working on their weaponry. Mr. Freeze tells the Regime that if they help his wife, he will join them. Heatwave says that he'll join for a good enough price. Superman accepts and welcomes them.

    submitted by /u/INJUSTICEGAURulEs
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    Noobs play Injustice against eachother

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    might buy what do i need to know

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    i've been thinking about buying this game just want to know some things.

    is legendary edition worth buying

    is online mode dead/ really hard to find a match (on xbox)

    are all characters good if you use them right or some characters just bad and unusable

    is legendary the only dlc

    any other advice would be welcome

    submitted by /u/trexwithbeard
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    Need help finding players / figuring out what servers im on

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    So I bought the game on PC while it was on sale. The problem is, I didn't buy it on steam where most people would buy it, I bought it off the Microsoft store for windows 10, the player base is tiny and I wanted to know if it's crossplay with Xbox servers, finding matches is hard and I'm not sure what to do since I'm playing possibly the most obscure edition of the game

    submitted by /u/Random-person-3
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    Are there Source Cristal Challenges ?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    So, I was playing the Legendary Edition on my PS4, and got my first complete epic set. When I equiped all the gear pieces a notification popped up awarding me 1000 source cristals for doing it. Are there more challenges like that ? Can I find a list of them somewhere in the game or a website ?

    submitted by /u/TheoXP
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    Batman: Arkham Origins - Trailer (Remastered 8K 60FPS)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Multiverse has to have the dumbest rules known to man

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    I try to fight the cyborg AI (who is ridiculous btw) and i have to start of with 50 FUCKING PERCENT HEALTH Im not talking about 50 percent off the white health bar i mean 50 across the board. So i literally cant beat this dude when i just have no health against an AI that can pop off a 10 button combo in the span of a milisecond. fuck this multiverse bullshit

    submitted by /u/CensoredGarbage
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    Haven’t seen anyone else point this out but you can get a peek at Scarecrow’s face in the INJ2 story mode.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    Well, it happened.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    I said I was going to take a break, but I couldn't resist. The new chapter will be out by this Sunday.

    Just wanna say, thanks for all of the support!

    submitted by /u/INJUSTICEGAURulEs
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    Is anyone upto play injustice online (on ps4)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    Idk if we could even do that but I hope we can cause me bored ;w;

    submitted by /u/a_l_i_7
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    Legendary Gear Tier List

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Here are my rankings of the legendary gear that I got from best to worst

    A- Atoms is easily the best, he becomes a strength and gadget character and is now comfortable at any stage.

    B- Superman is immune to projectiles. This is super useful, especially because superman can zone himself. The reason it's not A is that he cant break armor anymore.

    C- Flash has a longer and shorter speed zone. It is very simple and it helps with combos a lot.

    D- Wonder Woman- She gets two abilities at once. This is very good if you add the abilities that you want for her in the ability slot.

    E- Green Lantern- His is cool but a few of his old moves are not as good as his new moves and he has abilities that do the same thing.

    F- Robin- Looks cool but it doesn't really help unless you have a full bar of meter. It also seems like you can just jump over the motorcycle that he summons.

    G- Batman, I hate to put him this low but it's just one extra jump. The cool thing is you can jump twice and then while your floating you can jump back, so it's great for zoners and cross-ups but that's about it.

    H- Blue Beetle keeps his power blades out for the whole game and gains a one-button projectile, but the reason he is so low is that it is on a meter with a long cooldown to fire his cannon.

    I- Raiden, the dragon with the electric fly looks awesome but it's only for one move and then a very slight damage increase.

    J- Leonardo can meter burn his character power, which not only does nothing but a little more damage, but you can do this without the legendary gear.

    submitted by /u/RabbitSea4627
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    skill gap

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    so playing the game you can clearly tell the difference between someone experience vs inexperienced. a 5-8 hit combo vs. 15-20 hit combo. around what point (number of hits in a combo) can one classify themselves as a "good player"?

    submitted by /u/kxerly
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    This is my first post here ( sup guys)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Btw idk how I managed to get that name ( I'm a harley main :3)

    submitted by /u/HarleyQinn
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    Injustice 2 Bane is just broken and shouldn't even be in the game as is

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    i've played through the game on normal for like 3 times, now that i started hard, it's just plain dumb, green lantern vs Bane, he takes no knockback at all, can hit you when you're on the ground etc.

    i've been throwing myself at it for 2 hours now, it s always, he runs me over, jumps on me when im down, does it again, and boom my armour bar is already gone. he's slow enough that i can hit him in between attacks? doesnt matter since he can't be knocked down while using his special ability.

    just fucking stupid

    submitted by /u/Simppa1
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    Love this

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    I love getting a side quest (the one where you have to hit a certain number of whatever attacks to get a box) that the modifier doesn't allow, like meter burn specials, with the modifier not allowing specials.

    submitted by /u/Aspen2004
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