• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 4, 2020

    Injustice Mobile [CONCEPT CARD] Deathstroke / Rebirth. Designed by yours truly. Concept by u/physicsreaper. Tweaked it a little myself but overall u/physicsreaper did a great job with this concept. What do you guys think of this one? Link to abilities in the comments :)

    Injustice Mobile [CONCEPT CARD] Deathstroke / Rebirth. Designed by yours truly. Concept by u/physicsreaper. Tweaked it a little myself but overall u/physicsreaper did a great job with this concept. What do you guys think of this one? Link to abilities in the comments :)

    [CONCEPT CARD] Deathstroke / Rebirth. Designed by yours truly. Concept by u/physicsreaper. Tweaked it a little myself but overall u/physicsreaper did a great job with this concept. What do you guys think of this one? Link to abilities in the comments :)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    It may have taken 2M credits. But at leas I’m done w gear booster packs.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    was going well then got really de-motivated, although it didn't come out too shabby

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    Full crit augments on Jessica Cruz

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:47 PM PDT


    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    It ain't cheap being boss ����

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    7 tickets, one survivor run, managed to land on the single gear slot outta 7 augments slots!!!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Sad Grundy ��

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Won 13 rounds, my furthest round as of now, and they gave me 7 rounds of shards. Life is tough indeed

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Whatever happened to this guy, i haven't seen him in any mode since i started playing again

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Now this is epic

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I got this from a 200 nth metal pack idk how good he is compared to the rest of the metals but he’s my first one :)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:13 PM PDT


    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    This is getting absurd.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    I just fought a 30 minute or so match with this team

    RLHJ - Full tank gear, I did 0 damage besides supermoves

    N52 Shazam - Same as RLHJ

    The Merciless - Tantu Totem, Astro Harness, Death Cart

    I LOST. I could have grinded at least 100k while I got absolutely 0. I've delayed my bronze tier list and Zatanna character feature due to how unmotivated I am right now. My hands hurt

    submitted by /u/EmberMistBTD
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    So I made characters based off the dark knight trilogy, feedback is appreciated.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    I made these characters a long time ago and was gonna post them on this thread but I then forgot too. So I guess here they are:

    The Joker - The Dark Knight

    Damage: 1200 Health: 1200

    Passive: why so serious? - upon performing a special or supermove, the opponent is unable to tag out until a 8 second poison DoT has run its course on the entire opposing team. During this time period The Joker is also able to evade attacks and counter them. (Much like BN flash). Upon special activation, The Joker has a 40% chance to siphon power from his opponent to himself.

    SP1: Bang! - The Joker uses his customized gun to blow away his enemies. DRAINS OPPONENT'S POWER.

    SP2: Agent of Chaos - The Joker unleashes his dogs while performing a deadly slashing attack. BLEED: DAMAGE OVER TIME for 5 seconds. (This stacks with his passive)

    Supermove: Let's be Serious - A madman and his toys will always win. The Joker's savage wit is made manifest.

    Batman - The Dark Knight

    Damage: 1250 Health: 1300

    Passive: Gotham fury - When under 25% health, all of Batman's attacks become CRIT and his specials deal 15% more damage.

    SP1: Piercing Darkness - Batman uses razor-sharp batarangs to strike down his opponent. CAUSES OPPONENT TO BLEED.

    SP2: Flying Shadows - Batman takes to the skies and throws down trick batarangs. Different trick batarangs include: Stun batarangs (STUNS OPPONENT), Freeze batarangs (FREEZES opponent and once opponent is unfrozen applies DEEPFREEZE), Electrical batarangs (STUNS OPPONENT and applies electrical DoT. DRAINS POWER), Smoke batarangs (STUNS and opponent misses for 3 seconds), batarang mines (if opponent tags out, mines blow up dealing massive damage to the entire team. (You can select between different trick batarangs much like zatanna's tarot cards.)

    Supermove: The Dark Knight - Batman uses everything at his disposal to decimate his opponent. UNBLOCKABLE.

    Bane - The Dark Knight

    Damage: 1400 Health: 1100

    Passive: Military Gear - Bane takes 60% less damage from basic attacks, 50% less damage from heavy attacks and 30% less from specials.

    SP1: Rage Slam - Bane barrels into his opponent, knocking them down.

    SP2: Gotham's Reckoning - Bane attacks his opponent from all sides with the help of his mercenaries.

    Supermove: Breeak the Bat - Bane unleashes a venom fueled pummeling. UNBLOCKABLE.

    Ra's Al Ghul - The Dark Knight

    Damage: 1200 Health: 1300

    Passive: Theatricality and Deception - Ra's has a chance to dodge any special attack and come back to disable his opponent's special attacks for 5 seconds.

    SP1: Expert Combatant - Ra's delivers a series of precise kicks and punches.

    SP2: Sword of Death - Ra's demonstrates his power as he rams his sword into his opponent.

    Supermove (reworked by u/jadenkindle): League of Assassins - Ra's deals sickening blows with a few helpful hits from some of his blood brothers.

    If you liked this maybe you could check out this post also by me regarding my other character concepts. Also u/mariiov feel free to add graphics ;)

    submitted by /u/chesthairdude
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    Haha skopos got wrekt

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    Metal Shazam

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    How does Shazam compare to other metal cards, he's my first one and idk if i should dump my resources into him or wait til i get a different metal card.

    submitted by /u/HoneyDrizzy
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    How good is this?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Would it be better to keep opening challenge packs or promote my BNjLJ/JCR?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    I don't have Raven, so I can't do the SS Harley Quinn challenge coming this week. I opened a couple packs in hopes of getting her, but instead ended up with a duplicate of KFP and my first copy of MKX Scorpion. I'm grinding BB6 right now for credits, but I'm wondering if I should just keep saving up for the ~500,000 it takes to promote either my Jessica Cruz or Lord Joker, or if I should just keep trying for Raven, which I can try right now.

    My Lord Joker and Jessica Cruz are EI and EIII, respectively. Right now, my JC is the only one who can reliably carry through BB6.

    Alternately, should I just save money to skip the Raven stages? I do want Harley just so I can a.) have a good Harley Quinn since my only other is the bronze one, and b.) expand my collection, but I don't know if it'll be worth potentially dozens of packs before I get Raven.

    submitted by /u/Nihon_Hanguk
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    No damage taken or given during breakthrough event. Anyone else had this happen?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:28 PM PDT


    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    That heart raising moments before the win..

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Daily challenge pack day three:redo ��

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Fuck yeah! Finnaly!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Stat requirements for bb6

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    So I've seen posts about getting dd prime for bb6 but I have a merciless att 24k dmg and 45k health and was wondering if that's enough to solo bb6 since I don't want to waste energy or refill on something impossible.

    submitted by /u/cheeky425
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