• Breaking News

    Monday, November 2, 2020

    Injustice Mobile That annoying speedster.... I'm gonna catch him this time๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Injustice Mobile That annoying speedster.... I'm gonna catch him this time����

    That annoying speedster.... I'm gonna catch him this time����

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:49 PM PST

    First time doing all elite crystals

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:25 PM PST

    Let’s go my bn team is complete and ao death stoke is e1

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:53 PM PST

    Drawing DC/Injustice Characters as Top Trumps Part 28: Blackest Night Doomsday

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:09 AM PST

    Just the guy I wanted ��

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:55 AM PST

    Characters which WB should really introduce in Injustice

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:47 PM PST

    Now I know someone already did something similar. But I've been thinking about this for a while:

    Character name= passive name= Passive. Stats= d/h

    1. Martian Manhunter/Supergirl= The Manhunter= J'onn has a 30% chance to take no damage from basic attacks and a 10% chance to take no damage from specials. Once per match when J'onn is below 40% health, he gains all of his teamates' passives for 10 seconds. He cannot be KOed during these ten seconds. Stats= 1400/1300
    2. Batman/ New 52= Ready for anything OR Prep time= Batman is immune to all dot's and status effects. Status effects include- freeze, slowdown, mental damage, etc. Stats= 1250/1350
    3. Superman/ JL= Reborn OR Ressurected= Superman ressurects once with 40% health. After Superman has been ressurected, no character on opponent can ressurect. Stats= 1500/1300
    4. Black Canary/ Prime= Sonic cry= Black canary unleashes a sonic cry on her combo enders as well as on the end of her specials, which can cause the opponent to blead. Black canary recieves all the health that has been taken from the bleed DOT. (Basically Lifedrain). When teamed up with the Green Arrow, Green arrow and Black canary recieve a 20% increase in power gen.
    5. Zoom/ Metahuman= Speed Demon= On tag- ins, and on his heavy combos, Zoom steals the speed of his opponent. His special attacks cause the opponent to miss. Stats= 1400/1400
    6. Constantine/Prime= Legendary Mage= When Constantine or a teammate Knocks out an opponent, Constantine reanimates the dead character to fight for him. All Teammates except Constantine ressurect back with 15% of their total health. Stats= 1100/1300.
    7. Batman/ The Dark Knight= Undying Symbol= In addition to takin 50% less damage from all basic attacks, Batman is also aided by a swarm of bats on his specials. This lasts for 10 seconds The bats make an opponent unable to block or attack for the first 3 seconds. The bats cause constant bleed DOT.
    8. Green Lantern/ Ch'p (Squirrel green lantern)= Size matters not= Ch'P stuns on her combo ender as well as her SP1 and SP2.

    Hope this was interesting!

    submitted by /u/GrimValor8
    [link] [comments]

    Just got her from PZ and now this ��

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:30 AM PST

    How did I win!!! The 5-U-93-R pill is amazing

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:14 PM PST

    PZ Study 6 (10/25/2020-11/9/2020)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:30 PM PST

    u/Skop0s is busy and didn't make a PZ Study for this run, so I'll be carrying it on in his absence. (Or at least absence from making studies. He's still here and commenting.) I know we're already a few days in, but if you remember your Phantom Zone runs, put them in the comments. Below is basically copy and pasted from Skop0s' previous PZ Study posts.

    Findings for PZ Study 5 were included in the Overall PZ Study Findings.

    For those who are new, if you'd like to help with our PZ study kindly comment your crystal difficulty (Trainee, Veteran, Elite, or mixed) and the corresponding reward you get after completing 5 crystals. If you'd like to share your individual crystal reward, make sure it's mentioned clearly so that it's not confused with the other reward.

    Feel free to share any and all information regarding PZ rewards, like amount of Nth Metal and Valorium Alloy gained etc.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Nihon_Hanguk
    [link] [comments]

    Which dev do I have to fight for not letting my boy reach 50k damage...

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Nightwish: and Vxm Wbid are the same person

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:10 PM PST

    The hackers are actually back at it, I thought the injustice people got rid of them...? This isn't fair, imagine some dude getting this much battle ratting by winning only thirteen matches... Something should be done about this unfairness please!!!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:36 PM PST

    All veteran crystals, bad luck I guess ��

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:55 PM PST

    450k ��✌

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:51 AM PST

    There are so many things wrong with this

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:52 PM PST

    Just did the phantom zone on elite to get this dude. Just my luck

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:28 PM PST

    After getting 2 copies of Ame-Comi from the last PZ, this....does put a smile on my face.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:26 PM PST

    Would you like a laugh?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:13 AM PST

    I recently contacted Support after Arkham Knight Batman vanished from my account following buying his pack.

    Support first said this was impossible. So I sent them about a dozen screenshots of purchases and the lack of any AK Batman.

    Eventually support apologised, offered no explanation but did say that while they were not able to restore the character to my account they would be willing to give me his equivalent value in credits!?!?

    Equivalent value in credits?? I hope everyone understands how silly that sounds considering the rarity of AK Batman. So I was wondering just for fun. How many power credits would you say is the equivalent value for the first copy of Arkham Knight Batman? Bearing in mind his rarity TODAY and the fact that you cannot obtain his first copy for free anymore.

    submitted by /u/Son_Rayzer
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    Any recommendations on who do I promote next?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:01 AM PST

    And like that, a type of progress is over.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:45 AM PST

    Not completed but over. My last 4 gold cards were promoted to L60 this week. Leaving only my EIV DoJ Batman at L50. As the card is paywalled I don't expect to ever BT it let alone promote to EX to be able to climb to L60.

    submitted by /u/Devlyn16
    [link] [comments]

    so far i got 2 decent cards from the PZ i hope my 3rd attempt i get a metal card ��

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:35 PM PST

    PZ Broken

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:06 PM PST

    Something weird keeps happening with my Phantom Zone. I try to enter it and it keeps giving me 4 crystals done (when I have completed 0) and then freezes the game entirely. I haven't touched the game at all today (which i seriously regret cuz i fucking missed my opportunity to EX Shazam but thats a different topic). anyone know how to fix the issue that i have rn?

    submitted by /u/ArchLightXRotMG
    [link] [comments]

    Look familiar?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:33 PM PST

    Is it worth redoing phantom zone?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:06 AM PST

    I want to know what a better nth metal investment is. Saving for a pack or doing the phantom zone again?

    submitted by /u/Fanboiii222
    [link] [comments]

    From challenge booster pack

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

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