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    Monday, February 1, 2021

    Injustice Mobile Good bye guys!

    Injustice Mobile Good bye guys!

    Good bye guys!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:54 PM PST

    I've been active on the subreddit since may last year, now I recently started working at a bank and there's no work from home, and I've not been playing from the last few weeks because I hardly get time or even if I do, I can't get to the top 1% from the time I get to play. So I think this will be the last post from me here. I enjoyed the discussions, posts, memes here a lot. Eveyone in the subreddit is so helpful. Don't know anyone by faces but I think I remember usernames of more than 10-15 regular posters. Thanks a lot for the good times. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/cantstandsummers
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    I’m pretty sure the fourth world mace is impossible to get.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 11:40 AM PST

    Glad I decided to open a gold booster pack today ��

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:26 PM PST

    Goodbye!!! (for now...)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:53 AM PST

    Hey guys, firstly i would like to thank this entire subreddit for being such an amazing place to go to, I've had an absolute blast being apart of this. My school friend introduced me to this subreddit at the beginning of last year and i instantly found solace with the people here. I've played this game from 7 years on and off (but never permanently went away) and after finding this subreddit my teams and gameplay completely changed and i would like to thank the whole r/InjusticeMobile for teaching me the ways. I achieved Top 1% many times by the guidance of u/skopos and other mighty members. I loved every meme i posted and loved every second I've been here and I've wanted to stay here forever! although only a fool can think that. In Australia after a rigorous lockdown and struggles, we are finally getting back into the groove of life and this means that we no longer can stay within the confines of our abode. My school holidays also just finished so this means that i now enter the most important year of my secondary schooling... year 12. Now as a result i'm simply not having enough time to play properly, and i think its time to hang up the boots for a while. My whole medicine career depends on this year and i simply need to do my best to get a good final score. So i thank thee for having me in the subreddit and i shall depart. Good luck to everyone in this subreddit on their futures and careers!!! And i'll be sure to check back here every once in a while.

    Good Bye!!

    submitted by /u/saki2OP
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    Beating BB6 without a single promotion

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:25 PM PST


    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:06 PM PST

    FML i got this exact same hq last phantom zone ��

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST

    N52 WW - N52 Nightwing

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:20 AM PST

    Does anyone know if N52 WW's passive applies also to Nightwing? Can someone test this? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/DAYTONAVI0LET
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    How good is BN Batman. I haven't gotten him yet. Am i going to regret not getting him. I already have 3 BN characters

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:51 PM PST

    On The Topic of Character Duality and Versatility as Brought up in a recent post and comment thread from u/TheLedgerDomain

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:49 PM PST

    WARNING: This is a somewhat longer post, but it should only take about four minutes to read. Enjoy!

    In u/TheLedgerDomain 's post (linked here ), he observed that while Green Lantern: Sinestro supports Rebirth: Jessica Cruz's passive ability, he does not qualify as a "Green Lantern" character for Breakthrough events or Challenges. In the comments that followed we exchanged thoughts on a few Arkham (-Knight, -Origins, and plain Arkham) characters that synergize well because their passives support (Arkham: Harley Quinn "Play Doctor") or are supported by (Arkham: Killer Croc "Apex Predator") any characters passive who is identified as an Arkham _________ character.

    Well Mr. Ledger, after some research and careful testing within the game, I figured out where the main issues lie: Support cards, support passives, and character specific gear. There are many reasons why what I'll call Character Alignment Duality (or CAD) would make the game almost completely different, but these are the three I will address in this post. And while it may seem like a good idea, I think we would all get aggravated with it eventually. (Side note: CAD is also a different issue than Character Source, which is what enables Arkham ______ versatility.)

    The concept of Character Alignment Duality basically means that characters that technically cross into (at least) two character "types" would be able to take advantage of both of their alignments within the game. Such characters include, but may not be limited to: - Metal: The Merciless - Earth 12 Bruce Wayne, a Batman corrupted by Ares' helm. Identified by the in-game narrator as Ares. Possible CAD: Batman and Ares. - Metal: The Batman Who Laughs - Dark Multiverse Earth 22 Bruce Wayne, a Batman corrupted by Joker Venom. Identified by the in-game Narrator as The Joker. Possible CAD: Batman and The Joker. - Green Lantern: Sinestro - Obviously we all know that he originated as a Green Lantern, but he is nonetheless... Sinestro. Possible CAD: Green Lantern and Sinestro

    These are the only three characters in the game that I feel have a valid potential claim on CAD status, but I left it open-ended in case there are others that I just missed. If you feel I've left anyone out, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

    The Batman Who Laughs and The Merciless the two strongest examples in my opinion. After some brief research I found out that TM is technically a corrupted Earth 12 Batman. Injustice Mobile, however, clearly identifies the card as an Ares character when you open it. Were it to hold CAD status as Batman and Ares, he would be able to take advantage of both characters' support cards, which add minor buffs on their own, but doubled would be moderately overpowered.

    An even bigger issue lies with supportive passives. Regardless of his origins as Earth 22 Batman, The Batman Who Laughs is nonetheless a powerful supervillain, and a member of the Dark Knights. Thus, his alignment is evil, and so his character leans more toward the Joker side of his personality than the Batman side (Thus, the narrator saying "The Joker" when you open the card). With this in mind, consider if TBWL did hold CAD status as Batman and Joker. He would then benefit from passives that support Justice League characters (N52WW "Justice League Fury") and those that benefit the Joker (such as Animated Harley's "Deranged Cheerleader").

    Finally, we must examine how the concept of CAD would affect gear loadouts. In my opinion, this is the most potent reason why it would be a disastrous mechanic. Were Character Alignment Duality to be a functional mechanic, it would mean that multiple character-specific gear buffs could be applied to a single character. The Merciless could wield the full power of gear combos such as Blade of The War God and Silicon Carbide Batsuit. The Crit Chance and Crit Damage boosts from those two gears would work together nicely, but I doubt any of us would want to have to go against it in MP. Same with TBWL. As it stands, he can take advantage of the Joker-specific Power Drain chance from the Comically Long Pistol, but not the Batman-specific Crit boost from the Silicon Carbide Batsuit.

    Considering all these factors, I believe that Character Alignment Duality would add a lot to the game. But I also believe that there is a reason that they did not include it in the game. Characters with multiple alignments in their source stories are coded with only one alignment within Injustice because the game would simply be too complicated otherwise. And there would be far more opportunities for new bugs that we as a community would have to deal with. (I think we can agree that there are more than enough already.)

    Please, share your thoughts in the comments. Tell me how you think Character Alignment Duality would affect the game. Do you feel that it would make the game better, worse, or neither?

    submitted by /u/godofbaconandeggs
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    thoughts on The Reverse Flash?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:19 PM PST

    Free money !

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:59 PM PST

    This dude not only hacked, but is also really bad at hiding the fact that he’s hacking? Ah well. At least I won the first battle. Anyway how do you report an account on the game?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:07 AM PST

    [Roast Me] Week 7: Aquaman Regime

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:20 PM PST

    Is he a good drop? (I don't have any SS characters)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:10 PM PST

    My favorite team

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:26 AM PST

    My favorite team

    These jokers are very hard hitters.

    Add Animated Harley's passive. +40% on Damage and Power Generation. Plus she can heal.

    I can't wait to breakthrough Lord Joker.


    submitted by /u/doomsday0099
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    This was one of my most hardest battles ever, I’m surprised I was even able to win it ☹️��

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:51 PM PST

    What Gold Characters can you get from the nth metal pro pack?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 11:58 PM PST

    When I opened the nth metal pro pack the golds are always challenge characters that aren't in the challenge booster pack (e.g. ss deadshot, fp Batman, gl Batman, I2 Superman) and I was wondering if you can get characters like raven or AK Batgirl

    submitted by /u/aidan_204
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    My 4th pack

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:19 AM PST

    Buff this Character: Prison Superman (DAY 1)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:33 PM PST

    Stats- 700/800

    Passive- Super Health: Once per match, when Superman is at 40% HEALTH or less, he gains health over 6 seconds.

    Wiki Link

    Suggest 1-3 ways to buff this character.

    I'll be doing this everyday. You can comment the name of the character you want me to do next

    submitted by /u/GrimValor8
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    I’ve got rid of some as well

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:03 AM PST

    Gotta love their matchmaking

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:06 PM PST

    Is this good idk don’t play anymore

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:45 PM PST

    MP glitch

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:07 PM PST

    I played the epic battle which you are supposed to win 5 battles. However, after I won the 3rd battle, it skips the fourth. Basically, I ended the epic battle with only 4 battles instead of 5.

    submitted by /u/overlampir
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