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    Monday, October 12, 2020

    Injustice After all these years... I finally have it!

    Injustice After all these years... I finally have it!

    After all these years... I finally have it!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Which would you prefer for the next entry - skins like MKX and Gods Among Us, or A Purely Cosmetic Gear System ?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Buying levels

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    I remember years ago when I played this often, you could buy levels. Is that still a thing?

    submitted by /u/rmayne384
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    Everything I wished someone had told me about obtaining Legendary Gear

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    First, I will start out by saying, I have the digital download of Injustice 2, so I can only assume, some of what I may post could be in the instructions manual. However, since the developer was not kind enough to include a digital manual, everything I learned has been through Guild involvement.

    1) Level Up! Although you can earn your gear at level 20, go ahead and bust your level 30 nut. This not only gives you more practice on several of the tough finishing moves and techniques, it unlocks the level 30 Augment that just makes the mastery of what you need easier.

    2) Bank Early! All players require a sacrifice of 250 rare or better items. I misunderstood this, I thought it was 250 rare or better items from any character, not the specific character you are playing for. Had I known I could have banked these items earlier, I would have been good to go. Same goes for credits. At one point I realized I had been banking credits for at least a day, but was capped at the $9,999,999 threshold. I could have paid my $1,000,000 entry fee, but I just assumed my account was unlimited. Costly mistake. I'm sure most of the items sold could have been sacrificed instead of selling for what turned out to be $0.

    3) You got to "Want It"! This goes back to #1. At level 30 you unlock augments and one is called, "What I Want". This item dramatically increases the probability that gear drops will be for the character you are playing. In my case, this has come in handy, because Originally, I could only sacrifice about 50 pieces of gear. One day, literally, 8 hours of playing and I am up to 150 sacrificed pieces. I suspect I have mined about 500 pieces for my character, but only 60 have been rare or better

    4) What's in the box"! Another tip would be to buy Gold Mother Boxes. If you do the math, 50 plus 60 is 110. The other 40 boxes have come from the 100 Gold Mother Boxes I bought. Considering you have about a 1/30 chance of getting chance a character specific box, let along rare or better, I did alright.

    5) "Fight for your right to party"! Originally, I thought I would just be spending my day in the Master Battle Simulator, but what I learned is it's great for finishing moves, Supermoves, transitions and Meta Challenges, but not so much for gear drops. My tip would be the AI sim for specific tasks you can't trust the AI character build to pull off on it's own. But use the multiverse for gear mining or leveling up using your AI character (I'm doing it right now while I write this tip sheet).

    6) "Double Dip Your Chip" This is something I learned too late for this quest, but I will use it for future Legendary Gear. Finishing moves can be used twice in a battle. One for each bar. I didn't know this, I thought it had to be to finish a battle but it works for any strength bar. Mind you, that is a finishing move. A Supermove finish only counts on the battle ending bar of round two. Two finishing moves in a battle/round means you complete the task twice as fast!

    7) "Get Google". If you are reading this, you got Google, so I suggest you check it out. After way too long trying to master a finishing move, I read someone's post where they advised an alternative button combination I had never heard of. It was faster, easier and I started hitting that combo about 1/3 instead of the 1/10 I had previously be achieving.

    The first time I looked at the Legendary Multiverse, I thought there was no one I would earn this gear now I am days away from claiming three pieces. Yes, it does take some time, but if you are smart and follow this guide, I promise you will be able to do it in at least 1/3 of the time.

    submitted by /u/BadSportAbort
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    I’m having a problem with the game on Xbox

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    So for some reason when I play the actual game my left trigger doesn't work there is no way or triggering it no matter how many times I press it but it works perfectly fine on every other game but when I got to customise characters section it's like my left trigger is getting held down it won't let me scroll at all can someone help me

    submitted by /u/M1K4DO
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    [PS4] Looking for an Injustice 2 guild

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    I had my own years ago but I haven't played until recently. Going to try and platinum this game and my guild is dead so was wondering if anyone was interested? I'm going to be grinding the multiverse to level everyone up to 20 so you'll probably get max contribution points from me every day for a while.. :)

    Also, let me know if you'd like to try the KOTH online trophies - I have one other person interested and I think we need 3 people total.

    submitted by /u/slvc
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    Injustice 3 plot?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    What are your guy's theories on what will happen next game. Since there have been teases of it my hype for this game has gone up and I expect a small teaser at the game awards hopefully. Until then what do you guys think will go down this time around and what characters will you predict will be in the roster

    submitted by /u/Franciss-
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    Is Injustice designed for pad as opposed to stick like MK?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    I like using stick, but MK11 is clearly made for pad. Is Injustice the same way?

    submitted by /u/fishbowlpatrol
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    Just a quick question

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    I recently got a copy of injustice 2 from a friend of mine, i was happy to get it since I haven't played in a while. But I'm confused about something. He gave me injustice 2, but when I open the game, the title says it's the legendary edition of the game. It has the extra character slots for the dlc characters, but I can't use them, it still wants me to buy them. I'm pretty sure it's just the normal injustice 2 base game, but does it usually have all the slots for dlc character open but unusable? Sorry if theres a commonly known answer to this, but I haven't played in years so I can't remember if it was originally like this

    submitted by /u/accounts_are_easy
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