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    Monday, August 31, 2020

    Injustice My new load out for bats

    Injustice My new load out for bats

    My new load out for bats

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    You’ve been hit by, you’ve been stuck by, my fear toxin!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Injustice 2 in a nutshell

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Is INJUSTICE 2 worth it in 2020?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    So...I've always been interested in the Injustice games read some of the comics yet I've never played any of them I didn't play gods among us and I originally intended to get Injustice 2 I just never got around to it now I've been following news of a Injustice 3 seems it could be most likely out in 2022 so is it worth getting Injustice 2 or should I just wait for Injustice 3 how does Injustice 2 play in 2020? is it still a great game? is there still a decent player base for the game? That's all my questions and thank you 🙂Injustice 3

    submitted by /u/EnvironmentalBox8589
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    Unlock Nth metal skins

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Is it possible to get Nth metal or tournament or electrum skin from within the game/motherbox? Else any way to farm source crystal at a reasonable rate?Cause spending money for source crystals just to buy Nth metal skins individually is pretty dumb. It costs more than the game itself.

    submitted by /u/ChestExtra
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    Obligatory Lvl 30 Batman!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    My level 30 black manta I'm a little late to the game but...

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    Rate my Scarecrow

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    KOTH PS4 Injustice 2 undefeated

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Been in a KOTH lobby for over and hour and a single guy has yet to lose moving his win streak to 44. Someone please come beat him. Dude is |TYGRA| or send psn to SneakyBeaver55 for invite

    submitted by /u/SneakyBeaver55
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    My level 30 LOOK AT THE STRENGTH

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Injustice on steam

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Does anyone play the first injustice on PC anymore?

    submitted by /u/MegaXz10
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    Deadshot or Green arrow which one is better?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    Deadshot or Green arrow which one is better and more fun to play?

    submitted by /u/Soldierkimi
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    Injustice 3 - The Story and Roster

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    I think a problem with a lot of the rosters posted to this subreddit is that, while they are great, would undoubtedly be fun to play as, and are diverse in that unlike Injustice 2, it isn't just a DC game where half the roster is actually just Batman characters (I managed 7), they don't consider the story aspect, in that they put characters in that are out there, the problem being they are so out there that they'd have no way of fitting in with the universe we have to build off of, whether that be because the characters dead or for some other reason. So here is my best effort at creating a roster that both supports the story while also being a diverse roster.

    That all being said, obvious spoilers for both Injustice Games and the comics. Explaining the character choices will often require me going into their current

    The Roster

    I went with 35 total characters for the roster, not counting the premium skins, 24 returning (Way more than I would have liked to be honest, but it's needed for the story). MK11 had 25 at launch, so its a big jump, however Injustice 2 had 28, 29 counting Darkseid, and so I think its fair to assume that for such a universe with what will presumably be a finale to this massive story, they may be inclined to go that extra mile to make sure it feels huge. That being, said, a lot of the characters I chose really aren't particularly needed to make the story work, but would offer some variety

    The way I'm going to be splitting this is between returning characters (Including some from Injustice 1) and new characters (Even if they were in the comics, they'll be considered new). I'll explain some of the returning character choices, but for the most part you'll likely get why their included, and therefore I wont spend even more time typing an obvious reason out.



    Superman - Kon-El/Superboy Premium Skin


    Wonder Woman - Cassie/Wonder Girl Premium Skin

    The Flash

    Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)



    Green Arrow - Arsenal Premium Skin

    Black Canary

    Blue Beetle


    Harley Quinn - I was very tempted to remove her, but she's become one of Batman's main allies, so it wouldn't have felt right to just have her gone. That being said, could easily be removed considering the base of my story, but we'll get to that

    Nightwing (Damian Wayne) - Damian has been Nightwing since practically the end of the Injustice 1 comics, in terms of continuity, and as fun as Robin was, it meant the story version was very limited in his moveset. Besides, Dick Grayson premium skin. That is all

    Black Adam

    Red Hood - A base roster character this time, its a shame he hasn't been in the story before, since while Jason would likely side with Bruce, he could have a very torn dynamic, especially with Damian on the other side, the struggle between killing criminals and Superman going too far would be intriguing

    Batgirl - For those of you that don't know, she managed to recover using Lex Luthor's tech in the comics. However, since the DLC in the first game, she's been oddly absent, despite being one of Batman's closest allies in the comics.

    Deathstroke - Not seen since his chapter in Injustice 1, I genuinely thought he was dead for a while there. I don't think anyone would be opposed to seeing this characters return. Besides, he fits my narrative quite well.

    Black Lightning - Another character who is very prominent in the comics yet curiously absent in the story of the games, being the actual president in the universe

    Darkseid - Every story needs a big bad. Who better than the ultimate JL foe

    Starfire - The Titans have been seriously absent from these games, despite being quite relevant to its basis. Raven being part of the regime, Dick's death, they could have had them be the emotional centerpiece, and since they're all alive in some form, I say why not.

    Raven - Ditto above, could have a redemption dynamic, since its implied she wouldn't have joined the Regime if she knew the Titans were alive, especially since it was Clark that put them in the Phantom Zone

    Captain Cold - The Rogues are also knocking about, half of them at least, and I feel it'd be a waste not to include Snart, along with another member later in the list. Saying that, these two are the most expendable of the lot, so if they had to cut down, it'd be these two.

    Zatanna - Despite being an Injustice 1 DLC, I don't think she's ever been mentioned in the story outside the comics - I was almost tempted to put her in new. But with the first new character choice, shes practically a given.

    New Characters

    John Constantine - A fan favorite who has been absent since Year 3 of the first games comics. As long as he has a reason to care, he would fit perfectly in the story, while also being unique to play as

    Booster Gold - The Greatest Superhero you've never heard of, I'm surprised how much love Booster gets on this sub considering his relative anonymity among most regular fans, but he's in plenty of rosters, and I think he'd be real fun to play as. The one problem being, for those of you that haven't read the comics, is that he died saving Jaime Reyes against Starro. But this is Booster Gold, a time traveler. He could easily make it back, but I'll explain how in my next entry

    Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) - Now Ted Kord is actually dead, no doubt about it. Booster could have been saved by someone off screen (Or techinically off-panel considering), but Ted had his hand cut off by Katana and then was mauled by Killer Croc and Orca. No doubt. However, those of you who remember Booster's death may recall that a past version of Ted was actually there, with a past version of Booster. I personally think it'd be great if we had the Blue and the Gold back together, having those two versions as time travelers, fixing the timeline, which will be very relevant to the story. The only problem is obviously the confusion with Jaime's Blue Beetle, but aside from the name, I'd personally have him be really techy, using gadgets and such since he doesn't actually have the Scarab

    Plastic Man - Finally getting on to the properly unique choices, Plastic Man is unlike anything we've seen in these games. He's unique, and honestly, while he doesn't have particular relevance to the story in terms of who he is, as in you could replace him with another fitting character and it wouldn't matter, his abilities and personality would be great.

    Mirror Master -Snart's partner in this game, but again, expendable - I think he'd just be fun to play as, utilizing Mirrors and reflections in his attacks. You could replace him with Weather Wizard, or get rid of him and Snart as I said, but I think he'd be interesting to see.

    Mr Miracle - I needed a sort of herald for the ideal that Darkseid is attacking, while also simultaneously having an interesting character. You can make this anyone from Steppenwolf in a sort of first wave to Orion or Metron, basically a character who has ties to the New Gods, but my personal choice would be

    Big Barda - Can't have one without the other. That is all.

    Stargirl - Not seen yet, and its always nice to have the youthful fresh faces.

    Static Shock - Just behind Constantine and Booster as THE most requested hero since the I1 days. And ditto the Stargirl statement, how could they not?

    Mera - Another very requested character, and while not particularly relevant, could give Arthur some much needed development

    Hawk and Dove - Not yet mentioned in this universe, but judging on the success of the characters in the Titans TV show, you could easily have them be a part and contribute to the Titans arc - maybe even have them split on their views, Hank with the Regime to begin with and Dawn with the Insurgency. However, I would have their gameplay be as one, with the special ability being switching between the two - they have alot of the same moves, but Hank has more boxer and straight hitting moves, where as Dawn is more flashy and acrobatic. Just a thought, though it may be hard to execute

    So that's the roster. As I said, more returning than I would have liked, although the fact a good few of them are from I1 makes up for a bit of it, but honestly, I pretty much just rid the game of all it's Batman villains (There's a reason for that) In favor of more interesting characters from all over, and I think it worked out well enough. As I mentioned, a good few of them are somewhat expendable, and if they had to cut characters, I'd say Deathstroke, Arsenal, Mirror Master, Captain Cold, Black Lightning, Mera, Ted Kord and Harley Quinn could all be done without, but if you've got the choice, use them, you know? Anyway, onto the story.

    The Story

    I think most people if you asked them which ending they chose in Injustice 2 would be Batman's. He locks Superman up in the phantom zone, invites Kara to the new JL, and we end in the same place we began, only with the pieces moved ever so slightly and confirmed in our ideal that this Superman cannot be redeemed.

    This is possibly the most boring set up you could come up with for the big finale. It'd be like if in Empire Strikes Back, Luke arrived on Bespin only to find Han and Leia rushing out after escaping Vader, they get on the Falcon and go and hide on another remote planet. The story has to change the stakes in a meaningful way, but the Batman ending of Injustice 2 resets the pieces, only with Kara now on Bruce's side too, as if he needed the help.

    No no, we go with the Superman ending.

    Its been a year since the end of Injustice 2. Superman has regained control over the world, only using Braniac's tech, he has now gained full control of the Insurgency members as well. Braniac is dead, as well as any villain they could find that they didn't trust to help them. Certain heroes and villains are in hiding, managing to avoid Superman's tyrannical reign, but of the roster, these heroes are under Superman's control -

    Batman, Supergirl, Green Lantern, The Flash, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Aquaman, Mera, Blue Beetle, Firestorm, Black Lightning, Dove and Plastic Man.

    This is in addition to the usual Regime, which in case you needed a refresher -

    Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Black Adam, Damian Wayne, Raven, Hawk

    And so here we are. I apologize now for my corny writing, its always as if a piano is playing that horror music key whenever I write, and it comes off horribly, but struggle through it and I hope you'll get my point

    We see various bodies of villains we knew. Poison Ivy, Deadshot, The Reverse Flash, all floored right in front of the Justice League, as the line up originally was, only with half of them controlled. Bane stands up, pumps his venom, and charges. A batarang enters his forehead, and he falls flat, and Batman is revealed last. It's made clear from the pans that this is somewhat a routine sweep of the villains, and then it cuts.

    We see what is seemingly a court, with Booster Gold and Ted Kord in the middle. They're appealing to the Legion of Superheroes about interfering with such a world, as Skeets has made clear to them both that, similar to Booster and Jaime finding out the universe has an uncertain future (Which isn't supposed to happen), the universe now is in a similar state. They appeal, but the Legion dismisses it as a personal issue they have, being that they are clearly bias somewhat as they have friends in that era. Booster and Ted give a big speech, you know, the typical "Innocents are dying", but that they know they can save that future, and as they say that there are people willing to fight, heroes even if they don't know it yet, we see some of the survivors.

    Batgirl and Harley are together in an Abandoned Wing of Arkham Asylum

    Constantine and Zatanna in the Tower of Fate

    Deathstroke and Jason begrudgingly working together to take down a Regime warehouse (Checkpoint, Watchpoint, take your pick)

    Static, Stargirl and Starfire together hiding from the Regime

    Snart and Mirror Master in the mirror dimension

    The scene makes a point of showing that Superboy and Wonder Girl are both hesitant to support Booster and Ted despite probably knowing their right, but overall the Legion decides to let things be.

    Anyone who knows Booster and Ted knows they won't stand for that, so they go rogue, going back and finding themselves in Metropolis, teleported into The Daily Planet (I'm thinking stages here, and that seems like it'd fit, so lets say). They barely have time to gather themselves when they are attacked by Blue Beetle and Firestorm, hearing the disturbance, of who they fight off and manage to barely escape, Booster and Ted obviously mortified by what's happened to the kid they both knew.

    They get the bright idea to go back to the Batcave, thinking, in their true style "How bad could things get?". They arrive, and Ted after a good few tries manages to get into the Batcomputer, which sets off about 7 different alarms and traps, because its Batman, and mind controlled or not, he's paranoid as all hell.

    They hide, using some sort of cloaking tech, either from Skeets or just Ted himself, and watch Bruce and Damian arrive. Damian's clearly quite uncomfortable with the entire mind control thing, not because he particularly cared for Bruce in this universe, but because even he has sympathy for how he's been reduced to a mindless drone.

    Meanwhile, both Barbara and Jason still have the alarms and such keyed into their systems. They hear the alarm too, and both Slade and Jason and Harley and Barbara go to check it out. They find Booster and Ted, and although there's some animosity between Barbara and Jason because of Harley and Slade, they quickly get past it and set about recruiting others. Booster and Ted go to the Tower of Fate and basically tell Constantine to get off his arse, this is no world for his daughter to grow up in, while Zatanna is more than happy to help.

    Jason finds Arsenal in the slums, struggling with his addiction, and convinces him to come back and make the world a better place.

    Barbara convinces Kory to stand up, because its what Dick would have done. The kids follow her lead.

    Deathstroke and Harley find the Rogues, Harley basically just obnoxiously bashes a room full of Funhouse Mirrors to annoy Mirror Master out

    The point being, we have a Resistance. It's a rag tag group of heroes and villains ready to do what it takes to end Superman's regime and rescue their mentors, friends, or simply just so they can go back to being bad.

    Disclaimer - Feel free to disregard all of that backstory, the point of it was a quick story to show the build up. As long as all these characters manage to come together to form a new Insurgency, the story can go on as I envision, it doesn't matter if it happens different to that. And with that, lets continue.

    How the story plays

    Anyone who plays Netherrealm games on the regular knows that the developers have the same chapter based system for every game, but this chapter system causes a few problems -

    - The power dynamics are all off, as the character you are playing as always has to win. As a result, characters that beat characters in one chapter get trounced in the rest. For example, Johnny Cage in MK9 won less fights the further it got away from his chapter, until he was a complete joke by the end.

    -The villains never get a chapter. As this is the case, combined with the last point, they are always made out to be a joke. This wasn't so much of a problem in Injustice 2 considering they were heroes for most of the story, but that trick won't work twice.

    - By proxy, the people the character your playing is with have to get beaten easily so it can be a 1vs1. For example, in Harley's chapter in I2, Green Arrow and Black Canary get wiped out by Swamp Thing in one shot, yet somehow she beats him? Yeah, ok

    My suggestion is therefore instead sort of a "choose your path" type game. It sounds bad, but hear me out.

    Injustice is a brutal universe. Anyone who's read the comics, watched Ted Kord, Booster Gold, Nightwing, Green Arrow, and so on all die knows that, as well as the people who have played the games and watched Shazam's skull be burned through. The problem is that it always feels like they don't want to kill too many people in the games, firstly because their DC superheroes and they don't want to upset the fanbase, and secondly because they can't use characters that aren't in there as models, like comics can just draw them in, and so the play very conservatively, making sure practically the entire roster save for a few characters survive. But I think I have a solution.

    What if everyone was in with a risk of dying?

    The Insurgency are the underdogs, for them to be a resistance, they sort of have to be. And so citing that, you have to choose the right people to do the right things. You have to plan accordingly, avoid emotional attachment in some places and use it as a form of manipulation in others.

    And so here's my proposal - you have to choose between two options for every mission the Insurgency undertakes, every operation you want to pull off, and so on. And its always a risk, since at any point if you didn't think your choice through, that a character could get captured, or even die.

    Say for example, you needed to steal something off the Regime, and it gives you a choice of who to send - Deathstroke is adamant he and say, Batgirl can sneak in and out without getting seen, retrieve the item and bring it back. Mirror Master and Snart however are certain they can do it better, being the professional thieves and all, this is literally their job. So who do you send? The level headed professional with the conventional means, or the Rogues, who may be quicker, but haven't accounted for the fact that their may be meta dampeners in the vault, meaning Mirror Master can't get them out (Presuming he is a meta of course in this version). And what if that does happen? And what if the Flash runs his hand straight through Mirror Master before Snart can freeze him? And then he's gone too, what then? You've just lost two members because of your decision.

    On the other hand, say you've gotten to the point where you're ready to rescue Blue Beetle, or one of the lesser heroes who won't be so formidable so you can start to build a force that can actually oppose the Regime. Booster and Ted are adamant they will be the ones to save Jaime, they owe it too him, but they're loose canons. Sending Jason and Babs is the much safer choice. Only they didn't expect Bruce to be there advising. Barbara tries to reason with him, but Bruce lures her in, pretending to be convinced, and then pulls out a Batarang, slashing at Barbara, only for Jason to kneecap him, because after all, he cares for Bruce, but isn't as close to him as Barbara considering their history.

    The point being, your forced to make these choices and play different characters based on who their up against, what the task is, and whos best suited. They don't die instantly everytime, they capture some of the heroes like Arsenal, Batgirl or Ted, believing they can bring them round, and there are certain standard developments that happen, like Hank freeing Dove and running off together, or Superboy and Wonder Girl arriving from the future, determined to help. But overall, its up to you to make those decisions, and live with the consequences.

    At some point, Mr Miracle arrives, warning that Darkseid is coming to Earth, settling this once and for all, because after all, Clark killed Kalibak and basically decimated his army. Another choice - Alliance or go it alone, and perhaps depending on the force you have and who you've freed, when you meet, they decide whether or not to attack you. Whether it gets made or not, the day comes when Darkseid arrives, the full force of Apokolips reigning down, and depending on your choices, whos dead, who captured, whos on your side, whether the alliance was made, you get a few different endings.

    Before I talk about that, I do realise how corny that all sounded, trust me, I'm not becoming a writer anytime soon. But as long as you get the general jist, in that your choices matter, its all good. And realistically, you could make this as linear or non linear as you want. I'm not expecting Until Dawn butterfly effect levels of choice obviously, this is a fighting game, but I would like to at least have some choice, and therefore some degree of guilt or happiness for the decisions i made.

    Either way, I see this story having three real endings, provided you don't lose everything and have the Regime beat you before Darkseid even arrives. And honestly, spoiler alert, in all three of them, Superman sort of has to die. He can't be redeemed at this point, because there'd be no way to make it feel earned.

    The first one is the doomsday scenario, where you just flat out lose. You weren't good or strong enough, and the Trinity's final look on the world is as its being terraformed before their necks are snapped and their impaled. The final shot is through Skeets, looking on as Booster is thrown to the ground before Skeets himself is crushed.

    The second ones sort of a middle ending, where you did alright, but not well. a lot of heroes are dead, including the Trinity, and some other notables like Green Lantern, Aquaman, Cyborg and Green Arrow, as well as some smaller ones like Black Lightning, Stargirl and Arsenal (Plus whoever you got killed earlier), while Booster and Ted are left standing, looking out on a saved world wandering "Was it worth it"

    Then the final actual ending. Superman saves Bruce, and they have a nice moment together as Bruce comforts his friend Clark as he dies. some of the Regime members have turned it around by now, Raven and Cyborg, having the Titans back, Damian perhaps, having a family to go back to, and so on. Wonder Woman's died a horrible death (Only half joking, but seriously, exiled or something). And Booster and Ted smile out at the world, and the last lines?

    Ted: "You know, we are gonna be in so much trouble with the Legion for this. You reckon they'll let us off?"

    Booster: "Not a chance Teddy Boy, but you know what? It's worth it".

    Obviously I'm not a writer xD. But hopefully you get what the point was - for a game set in a universe where our beloved characters are famous for having such emotional deaths, the games are somewhat lacking, and the finale to such a great series needs to have high stakes. What better way to do that than letting the player know that they could break up the Titans again with the death of Kory, or have Oliver die in Dinah's arms? Imagine the guilt.

    Well, this is the end. If you've read this far, my mind is blown that you cared enough to read the full thing. So seriously, thank you. Even if you entirely disagree, feel free to comment as such, cause I'd love to talk about some of these things. And once again, cheers

    submitted by /u/Mastercreed25
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    PC controller bug

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    hey so i just bought the game after 3 years and i'm having a good time but i got this issue

    so i play on PC on steam with xbox one controller on bluetooth but i have this bug where every time i press A it presses A and Y both and when i press X it presses both X and A and it happend with more of the keys anybody knows how to fix that?

    submitted by /u/HilellM
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    Been playing for the last two weeks, got this surprise

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    People who had the first mobile game. What was your dream team?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Mine was Doomsday, Joker and Superman

    submitted by /u/TomtheTurtle1234
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    Hey guys! I made a collage of all DC superheroes in there 'INDIAN AVATAR", do let me know what you guys think of it.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Starfire Sundays

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    It took 3 days, but thanks to the Starfire multiverse out right now, I got her a nice level 30 set!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if this crest from All Star Superman is in the game?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    What stat should be your highest on Aquaman?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:34 PM PDT

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