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    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    Injustice Gotham and Gotham Girl skin for Supergirl and Superman in IJ3 pls

    Injustice Gotham and Gotham Girl skin for Supergirl and Superman in IJ3 pls

    Gotham and Gotham Girl skin for Supergirl and Superman in IJ3 pls

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Rate my Batman.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Fighting Game Survey Results!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    First off I'd like to thank everyone from Reddit who submitted helpful answers to the survey to help me out with my research. At the time of writing, there are 845 responses to the survey which is more than I could have asked for!

    The original number of responses was 870 however I had to remove a small portion of these due to the answers being unhelpful, sexist, bigoted or being far too vulgar. While I'm upset there were responses like this in the first place, I'm happy that there were far more helpful people than hinderences.

    I will be sharing the most common answers from each question in this post and discussing some of the more frequent responses.

    Question 1

    What is your age?

    The most common answer given was the 18-25 age group with 50.5% of people, followed by 27.7% of people being in the 26-35 age group. The least common answer given was predictably the 66+ age group, with only one person falling into this category.

    Question 2

    What Gender do you identify as?

    The large majority of people who answered the survey were males, with 95.3% of people answering this way. The next most common identified gender was female, making up 3.1% of the respondants. Non-binary and prefer not to say made up the remaining 1.6% of people.

    Question 3

    Which of these consoles do you regularly use to game?

    Due to the "Choose all that apply" option I added to the questions, the combination of responses for this question were very unique. The most popular option being Gaming PC, which was selected by 496 people. The most popular combination was that of the Gaming PC and a Nintendo Switch, bringing in 83 responses. The next most popular consoles were the PS4/PS3 (429 Responses), Nintendo Switch (399 Responses) and the Xbox One/Xbox 360 (164 Responses)

    Question 4

    How long have you been playing Fighting Games?

    This question yielded the most balance of answers out of the multiple choice questions. The majority of people answering chose the 10+ years option, with 37.4% of the votes. The next most popular answers were 3-4 years (16.7%), 5-6 years (15.6%) and 1-2 years (14.8%)

    Question 5

    When choosing a fighting game character to play, do you prefer to...?

    This question offered 3 options to choose from, the first being "...Use a wide range of characters, All rounder", The second being "...Use a small selection of pockets picks, 2-5 characters" and the third being "...Use a One Trick Pony, master a single character". I also added a "Other" answer, where people could submit their own answer. The most popular response to this question was using a small selection of pocket picks, with 56.6% of the vote. Using a wide range of characters received 20.4% of the vote and using a single character received 18% of the vote. A popular point of view of peoples submitted answers, was using a main but also having a few back up characters just in case.

    Question 6

    What is your all time favourite fighting game and character from that game? And Why?

    This question by far gave the most variety of answers as it was entirely opinion based. While looking through over 800 unique responses sounds like fun, I used the ctrl+f function and searched the names of the most popular fighting games franchises and found how many times each are mentioned. Tekken - 121 results, Street Fighter - 112, Mortal Kombat - 76 (Note, searching for MK brought up a further 50 results), Super Smash Bros - 204, Injustice - 95, Dragon Ball - 22 (Note, searching for DBFZ brought up 22 more results), Marvel vs Capcom - 13 (Note, searching for MVC brought an additional 7 results), Soul Calibur - 12. Other results include Skullgirls, Dead or Alive and Killer Instinct, among others.

    Question 7

    When choosing a fighting game to play, which of these are essential for a fun experience? Select all that apply

    The most popular answer for this question was the inclusion of a deep roster of characters to play as, bringing in 681 votes, followed by Competitive and Casual online multiplayer, taking 613 votes. The least popular option given by the survey was Industry Revolutionizing Graphics, bringing in 113 votes. As with Question 5, I allowed users to submit their own answers for this question, and an overwhelming majority asked for an improved netcode, which in line relates to the Competitive and Casual Online Multiplayer answer, being so popular.

    Question 8

    What is one mistake you think developers consistently make when creating fighting games?

    For this question, I allowed users to submit their own answers rather than giving them a multiple choice answer. As with the previous question, A large majority of players feel that developers need to improve the Netcode issue. A rather noticable complaint also, is that developers sometimes attempt to appeal to casual players over the more dedicated, currently existing fan base, and thus it simplifies the game. Some players believe that a comprehensive tutorial would be a welcome fix, allowing for newer players to learn the more difficult mechanics. One user says "Dedicated players will stick around, bad players will leave regardless of how easy it is to learn"

    Question 9

    What is your opinion on crossover titles? (e.g. StreetfighterXTekken, Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe)

    The responses for this question were surprisingly positive for the most part, with many people saying that the mix of two franchises allows both to grow and the player bases to evolve. Of course not all responses were positive, with some saying that crossover titles sometimes alienate one side of users by removing features that make their franchise popular or unique (e.g. Forcing Tekken to be 2D to accomodate for Street Fighters play style). Some players listed examples of well executed crossover games, with Marvel vs Capcom being the most popular, and some arguing that Super Smash Bros is the most popular crossover fighting game franchise ever.

    Question 10

    How do you feel about guest characters in fighting games? (e.g. Raiden in Injustice 2, Negan in Tekken 7)

    This question by far had the most split answers of all in this survey. Many people argued that guest characters detracted from the lore and playstyle of the favourite games (Noctis, Geese and Akuma in Tekken) while others argued that guest characters allowed for a wider audience to play and enjoy certain games. The majority of those arguing for guest characters, agreed that three guests was the optimal amount to have in a game, while those arguing against made a point of saying guest characters were nothing more than a cash grab and unwelcome.

    In summary, I believe that posting my survey on reddit in the various subreddits I chose allowed for a healthy mix of opinions based on fans of different franchises. However due to the lack of diversity of the people answering (Majority of males) I could have improved this survey by posting it on different platforms (e.g. Twitter and Facebook)

    Once again I would like to thank everyone who helped with this survey! I appreciate everything!

    submitted by /u/DasmasBootay
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    This is probably a thing in an alternate universe

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Imagine if In another universe instead of injustice being about dc nether realm and marvel made a deal just imagine everyone's intros like Thor iron mans and others

    submitted by /u/Ahmedmulla1
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    Why does reverse-flash say theirs a Apocalypse coming to Apokolips?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    In one of his intros. is that a reference to a comic book storyline.

    submitted by /u/Konradleijon
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    Where to learn combos online? Any advice in general?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Halfway through the learn/tutorial mode. I want to start off with Batman as a main.

    submitted by /u/ten_times_worse
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    Active guilds?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Anyone in even a semi active guilds? Would love to join :)

    submitted by /u/basob97
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    In your opinion, what are some of the ugliest cosmetics in Injustice 2?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    For me it's certain shaders that just look disgusting to me and that one dead shot mask that makes him look like a robot. What are some cosmetics you think are plain ugly?

    submitted by /u/aceandspades
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    Made a new Brainiac combo.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Looking for people to play with, also willing to help newcomers and teach. XB1

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Level 20-30 with Batman, Superman, Flash, Deadshot, Darkseid, Green Lantern, Starfire, Scarecrow, and others. Been playing since day 1 so I've got a lot of experience. I'm active usually everyday so I'm willing to help and play with anyone who's down. I like a challenge, and teaching the basics.

    submitted by /u/Cretorus
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    Is jumping a bitch move?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    I play Catwoman alot, and when I play her I usually jump around a lot as I feel that is the best way to play her. I jump over my opponents a lot and strike while in the air. Apparently this is a bitch move, is it? Pretty much, I jump over if they attack and slash a few times, whip, etc. Maybe quickly do a grab. It wins me games as well, I'll win multiple in a row this way. I'm new to the game, but I don't see what's wrong with doing this. And the thing is, I'll still see those same people jump around and do moves, spam the most bullshit ones as well, where you can't even move.

    submitted by /u/VeryCoolGuyMatt
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    Any active guild? PS4

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    I know there have been many asking, but several days have passed and things change a lot in a short time. I don't know if they will be full or not. I have asked but have not received an answer yet. I am one of those who likes to get a lot of new gear, so I would be quite active. I was playing a long time ago and I quit. Now I have come back and I have seen that the guild I was in is already inactive.

    On the other hand, I do not remember well the exact operation of the guilds or how to get the most out of them. If you were so kind as to explain it to me, I would appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Muerte_Cavanga
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    Multiverse Towers

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    To any/all XBOX ONE players, can anyone tell me wether or not the multiverse is working. I want to play it again but I don't want to waste storage and time just to see it wasn't worth it.

    submitted by /u/ImJMar_
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    Injustice 1

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    Just wondering if the injustice 1 servers r still up?

    submitted by /u/ethangerard07
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    So There's a game about Nightwing and Starfire ? I thought Nightwing died in this game?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    TMNT injustice 2

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    guys I need help I just got the game because of quarantine. And I need to know what is the best turtle to play as in injustice 2

    submitted by /u/exptictacco
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    Multiverse not working

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    Does anyone know how to fix the multiverse because every time I try to play it, it says it's unavailable can someone help me

    submitted by /u/hdjgffghh
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    I can’t play multiverse,does somebody knows why?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:10 PM PDT

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