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    Saturday, February 22, 2020

    Injustice Any ideas for injustice 3 story? picture by flyingmochi94

    Injustice Any ideas for injustice 3 story? picture by flyingmochi94

    Any ideas for injustice 3 story? picture by flyingmochi94

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Are they making Injustice 3?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:31 AM PST

    I'm a really big fan so I'm just wondering

    submitted by /u/CrtrMrdr
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    I've just gone back to Injustice 2 and I really forgot how fun the Gear Modification was. Weird how I had to spent 5k crystals to make Aquaman look good, though.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:42 AM PST

    My luckiest drop so far

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:40 PM PST

    Canary's Crazy Legs

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Through experimentation, I've found that Crazy Legs can only be comboed in two circumstances (and obviously only at the tail end). One is obviously after using Canary Cry as the stun effect allows for an extra hit. The one that surprised me, however, is that Crazy Legs can be comboed directly to a deep corner Cross-Up. This has to meet a specific requirement though: the opponent cannot be pushed away from the wall. This means after the initial Cross-Up, no additional hits can be comboed to Crazy Legs and the version used must be Back-Handspring (db3hd3). The Forward (dF3hd3) version will push back the opponent and Crazy Legs will not count toward the combo (I don't know why). I find it best to combo an opponent toward the wall and follow-up with Cry then leap into the Cross-Up. Short of this, the combo would only be three hits.

    I don't find this move to be useful for any particular combo set, but it's nice to know there's at least one option for it outside the Cry just to mix things up.

    submitted by /u/Mercen-X
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    No User Flair?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 10:22 PM PST

    Just wondering why there's no User Flair for this sub. Some of the fighting game subs I follow have an option to choose flair for your main, and I think that's kinda cool.

    Obviously it's not a huge deal, considering the game is in its later years now, but once IJ3 drops, I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy picking their main to have show up next to their names. I'm not a web developer so I'm not sure how much work it would be to add them all.

    submitted by /u/kyledouglascox
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    So what's like the best possible gear stats you could get for any character?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:17 PM PST

    I saw someone got a hellboy gear that gave him plus 1000 damage, so I was wondering what the best possible gear stats would be for any character, like would it be plus 1000 of 1 or 2 things, or maybe split evenly like plus 300 on each?

    submitted by /u/Im_Here_For_TheMemes
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    Clayface Character Movelist

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Character Type: Rushdown

    Character Trait: "Mace": His arm turns into a mace, which unlocks several moves.

    Special Moves:

    "Extended Hammer": His arm stretches forward and hits the opponent with a hammer. Meterburn and the hammer swings left and right, hitting the opponent multiple times.

    "Mudslide." Low attack where he turns into mud and slides across the opponent's feet. Meterburn and after he slides across, and he turns into his regular self and grabs the opponent while they're in the air and punches them across the screen.

    "Head Throw": Grabs his own head and throws it to his opponent before it slides back to himself which regenerates his head. Meter burn and the head sticks to the opponent and bites the opponent's arm.

    "Hammer Attack": Lunges forward into the opponent and hits them with two hammers made from his hands. Meter burn and when he lunges forward he pins them into the ground and beats them repeatedly and then launches them into the air

    "Spinning Mace." His arms turn into two maces and he twirls towards the opponent. Meter burn makes the spinning last longer.

    "Clay Spikes": Turns his back towards the opponent and shoots spikes from his back. Works as anti-air or from very short range for high attack.

    Supermove: "Actor": Turns into the opponent and mimics them while turning one arm into a clay mace and starts hitting them.

    submitted by /u/WinterAbies4
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    Is Injustice worth it if I don’t like fighting games?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST

    I've always been interested in the story of the games and love mostly anything that batman/harley/joker are in, plus i've seen a few cutscenes that pulled me in even more, but fighting games aren't really my cup of tea. is it worth it to actually play the game or should i just go ahead and watch a playthrough on youtube?

    submitted by /u/helios-hex
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    Injustice gods among us help!!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:51 PM PST

    Is anyone else having issues with the game freezing after trying to start a match? I'm using single player and offline co op. The screen goes black and the music loops. I'm playing on Xbox.

    submitted by /u/Magita91
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    Condiment King Character Moveset

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:28 PM PST

    Character Type: Zoner

    Character Trait: "Condiments": Can switch between shooting ketchup or mustard

    Special Moves:

    "Condiment Flurry": Shoots ketchup or mustard toward the opponent.

    "Hot Dog Slap": Condiment King whips out his hot dog and starts slapping the opponent with it, meter burn and he stuffs his hotdog in the opponent's mouth

    "Mustard Floors": Shoots mustard into the ground, making the oppoent slip and fall. Meter burn and he teabags the opponent while on they're on the ground.

    "Salty Eye": Throws salt into the opponent's eyes, blinding them, meter burn for more salt.

    "Pepper Flakes." Grabs the opponent and starts sprinkling pepper flakes into the opponent's eyes, causing overtime damage.

    "Mayo Mouth": Uses a bottle of Mayo and shoots it to the opponent, sending them flying backwards.

    Supermove: "Condiment God": Shoots ketchup and mustard at the same time, blinding the opponent, allowing Condiment King to run forward and punch the opponent in the nuts, causing them to become infertile.

    submitted by /u/WinterAbies4
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    I'm 100% sure this is not 100% effective

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Release Check. It's supposed to ensure that if I press the direction buttons AFTER pressing the play buttons, the special moves will still trigger. I turned it off. I played this game for over 600 hours. What I found: sometimes specials still trigger when they not supposed to. I obviously originally thought my thumbs were slipping. But paying closer attention, I realize that the specials will appear even if the last button I pressed was a directional button.

    AND NO: I'm not talking about special moves that Require the directional button at the end. I'm saying: I enter 23db and the db3 special triggers (etc). This happens usually if I don't effectively punctuate my presses. But I sure as hell am not pressing 3db. What's the point of turning off Release Check?

    submitted by /u/Mercen-X
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