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    Wednesday, July 7, 2021

    Injustice So, what's the canon ending for Injustice 2?

    Injustice So, what's the canon ending for Injustice 2?

    So, what's the canon ending for Injustice 2?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    I assume and hope that's it's Batman's ending. Superman is in the Phantom Zone, then Batman and Supergirl start a new Justice League. That can probably be turned into Injustice 3, but I don't see how Superman's ending can really continue that much

    submitted by /u/Complex-Swimmer-9998
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    Who should I play

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    Mature DC (and or Marvel) fighting game?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    Would anyone like one featuring the likes of Rorschach, Lobo, Jonah Hex, Ghost Rider, Wolverine and Punisher? Been wondering ever since I got my hands on MK vs DC, and seeing all these comic guests (Hellboy, Spawn) in MK and IJ.

    submitted by /u/Kalampooch
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    Injustice combos

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Dog I don't see how it's possible for people to perform the moves with perfect timing. I been in situations where I can't recover because I'm just getting smacked.

    submitted by /u/airrencimini
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    Killer Frost (DC) and Frost (MK)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Guys please tell me is Killer Frost from DC and Frost from Mortal Kombat 11 the same people because my friend is saying there the same person and I do not agree

    submitted by /u/ReddestKnight
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    Injustice 2 PC Playstation Layout

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    Hey i wanna start with the game but i tried everything with my PS4 and PS5 Controller i dont get the PS Buttons/Layout ingame. I used big picture mode and turn on/off the controller ps settings. I downloaded DS4 also doesnt work (with DS4 it shows xbox360 buttons)

    If i turned all of it doesnt work or shows xbox one buttons only..

    Maybe someone can help me.

    submitted by /u/xNashy
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    Injustice 3 Hopes & Wishes

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    So Mk11 development has finished and NRS is focusing on their next game. Whether or not thats IJ3 or a Marvel game or a Crossover, idk, but i wanna share my thoughts and see what the community is hoping for from a possible IJ3.

    So first things first, Projectile clash. For one it seems like a comic crime to not have it. We all remember those moments where 2 superheroes are shooting their stuff and its just trying to gain ground on each other with high hype. Its also annoying to sit on the other side of the screen trying to get in or just battling it out with projectiles. This could also lead to a replacement for the clash mechanic where it can trigger like a mashing match and whoever wins gets the damage.

    Second the introduction of air combos. Nothing as crazy a DBFZ but like having 2-3 air strings and specials could some more of that comic hype to it. Now since not all characters fly i think the balance would be non flying or hovering characters get OTG strings. Again nothing too crazy, just 2-3 strings and specials to make sure youre really beaten into the ground.

    Third is the stats system. Now i like freedom and thought it was a cool system but i think it ultimately led to more frustrations than the fun it created. I think the 5 slot thing is perfect but the stats and modifiers i think should be a seperate system like MK11 did. The augments are fun as hell in mk11 with a whole bunch of crazy combinations and it doesnt restrict the customization of the gear. Problem with Mk11 was only 3 gear pieces and a skin.

    In the vein of stats and stuff, the leveling thing was cool, and i think it could return so long as it isnt such a grind like it is in IJ2. Have it be challenging but not to where if someone wanted to play and experience everything the character had to offer, theyd have to spend 3 months playing that same character religiously to get to lvl 30.

    I think thats really it. Obvi theres stuff like roster and skins but thats really more seperate to the gameplay of the game. And if IJ3 is not the next game and its a marvel game, honestly the same still applies. I think NRS would try to probably transfer the same system for a marvel game so yeah.

    Let me know yall. Do yall agree. Disagree. Lil tweaks. Maybe add some things. This is all becoming much more of a possibility and i think we should see where our expectations are at in terms of this stuff.

    submitted by /u/TNG0215
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    Trying to win a 10 match set with my friend.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    So one of my close friends and I are kind of fighting game rivals in a sense of the way. Each time we play a fighting game either he beats me bad or I beat him bad. He only plays the three same characters but I try to be diverse with my picks but I do have mains when it gets tough. Recently I told him to buy dragon ball fighters and he said he would only buy it if I could beat him 10 times in a row In injustice 2. Who do you guys think are good characters for going up against Superman, black Adam, and scarecrow? I main attrocitus and darkseid but want to know the communities thoughts on other characters that do/could fair well against his mains

    submitted by /u/AEBG2257
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    Worth the $60?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    Thinking about getting the legendary edition of the game recently but wanted to know if it was worth it. I'm mediocre at fighting games and just play for a more causal experience, so should I go all out or just get the basic version?

    submitted by /u/NoIndependence3699
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