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    Monday, May 3, 2021

    Injustice Some stupid joke

    Injustice Some stupid joke

    Some stupid joke

    Posted: 03 May 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    It be like that

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Superman is truly Super

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    They need to put space ghost in injustice 3

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    Possible DLC for injustice 3?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    So who would you guys like to see I mean I have my ideas

    DC's own characters:


    Beast Boy

    DawnBreaker (Evil Batman green lantern)


    None DC characters:

    Reptile (Mortal Kombat) (might as well add him if he ain't in MK11 just cuz)

    Ben 10

    Rick Grimes/Darryl Dixon (either one would be good,If Negan is in Tekken,give us someone netherealm!)

    Morrigan (c'mon capcom,lemme see my vampire gal)

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Katsuki_Bakugo__
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    Follow up to my: Ben 10 injustice 3 DLC perhaps?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    Ben could possibly have some interactions with certain people,here are some,assuming people such as blue beetle are including in injustice 3

    Ben: So I heard you have a super powerful alien weapon? Jaime: Yeah,Pretty much Ben: well so do I!

    Ben: You kinda remind me of someone Scarecrow: How so? Ben: You're both smart but you do the wrong thing

    Ben: Oh nice car! Batman: Thank you? Ben: I gotta show Kevin that!

    And those are just a few ideas,Ben could have alternate cosmetic items like his shirt can be his original design,he can also have all different versions of the omnitrix as weapon cosmetics

    If you have any other ideas feel free to let me know! :]

    submitted by /u/Katsuki_Bakugo__
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    Alfred dlc

    Posted: 03 May 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    Ok so I was thinking, and hear me out, how AMAZING would it be if we got Alfred as a DLC CHARACTER. (P.S I was also thinking about the arkham knight for jason/red hood).

    submitted by /u/alfiewotton08
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    Zack Snyder's Justice League Original Soundtrack

    Posted: 03 May 2021 01:53 PM PDT

    spoiler alert:

    Posted: 03 May 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    Chapter Eight

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    Hey, everyone who knows me! Chapter eight is done. Sorry for the wait! I am having a hard time deciding who the next chapter will be about! Vote in the poll!

    My plan for the future of this story is to have three parts for this series. It will be like the MK11 Aftermath. Each part will have twelve chapters.

    Here is the official list of story Premier Skins:

    Hugo Strange (Batman)

    Trigon (Darkseid)

    Shallox (Larfleeze)

    Grid (Cyborg)

    Zoom (Flash)

    Reverse Flash (Flash)

    Jay Garrick (Flash)

    Kid-Flash (Flash)

    Deadman (Nightwing)

    Heatwave (Mick Rory(Heatwave(Talia Al Ghul)

    Bleeze (Larfleeze)

    Reverse-Flash (Flash)

    Deadman (Nightwing)

    Clayface (Plastic Man)

    Thank you, and have a safe day,



    Harleen lies on her reserved chair, for her court-mandated therapy. She is expecting her regular psychiatrist, Dr. Penelope Young, but Hugo Strange approaches her. She backs away, stating that he was dead. Harley remembers the day that he supposedly died.


    Harley lies in her cell, talking to a pillow with a face carved into it. Her face is stained with her mascara: a result of crying. She tells her "therapist" (the pillow) that she misses her Puddin'. She even tells the pillow that she even considered jumping off of the Ferris Wheel at her old carnival. She angrily looks at the motivational prison poster of Superman, which she angrily tears up. Hugo Strange approaches her cell and tells her that he is ready for her. Two armored guards grab and drag her towards Hugo's office, and they sit and handcuff her to the chair across from the deranged therapist. Hugo asks her how she is feeling, and she tells him to shut up. Hugo is agitated, and he asks her again. She gives in and tells him that she is feeling hatred against Superman. Hugo asks why she feels this, and she says that he killed Joker. She struggles in her seat, and Harley tells Hugo that she's done for the day. Hugo refuses to let her leave, and he dims the lights.

    When Harley can see again, she is sitting in a torture device. There are two wires taped to her head, that are connected to a brainwave analyzer. Hugo pulls out a car engine, and ties it to her stomach, letting it drop to the floor. There are also multiple barrels of a green concoction, with tubes connecting the barrels and her pierced skin. He tells her that the barrel is a poisoning toxin. He tells her that it will kill her, and it will induce a lot of pain. He explains the contraption:

    He will start the car engine, which will emit certain signals in the brain. Once the brainwave analyzer receives enough of these signals, the toxin will flow into her veins, killing her in under ten minutes.

    Meanwhile, two guards are wheeling packaged meat to an elevator. As the elevator travels downwards, the two look at a list of names, each with writing next to them:

    Jervis Tetch-Joining the party

    Temple Fugate- Joining the party

    Basil Karlo-Joining the party

    Robert Greenwood-Not

    Roman Sionis- Not

    Abner Krill-Joining the party

    Pamela Isley-Not

    Harvey Dent- Not

    Victor Zsasz- Not

    Jerome and Jerimiah Valeska-Not

    Robert DuBois-Not

    Alexander Trent-Not

    Drury Walker-Joining the party

    Waylon Jones- Joining the party

    The elevator reaches the basement of the Asylum. They open a cell door leading into the Arkham Sewers: Killer Croc's lair. One of the guards stamps his feet. He waits a few seconds and Killer Croc emerges from the water. Before he lunges at them, they take off their masks, revealing that they are Harley's thugs. Waylon asks about what they need. The thugs open the box they were wheeling. It contains twenty pounds of buffalo meat and Killer Croc's knives. They explain that if KIller Croc helps take over the Asylum, he will also receive $50,000,000, and his section in the building. Croc smiles, and they also tell him that there are EMPs located around Arkham, set to detonate in 5 minutes. Croc agrees to help before grabbing the two. Later, all that's left of Waylon's lunch is a skull, which he spits out.

    The charges go off, and all of the cells open. Harley's torture device and restraints shut off, and she kicks Hugo Strange in the chest. He goes flying through the door behind him, and Killer Croc emerges, slamming his fist into the doctor. The doctor is unconscious, and Killer Croc throws him to the side. Two of Harley's men begin passing out clown masks. Two more drag Hug Strange away.

    Meanwhile, Harley is sprinting from Croc. She eventually jumps down an elevator shaft, and she ends up in a cell block. Poison Ivy breaks free from her cell, and she greats a panicked Harley. Harleen quickly kisses Pamela on the cheek and tells her that they'll talk later. She sprints towards the door, and Killer Croc bursts out. He grabs her and begins thrashing her wildly. He throws her into the Mess Hall. Waylon cracks his knuckles and tells her that he'll have fun lining his lair with her flesh. She is angered, as she offered him food, money, and a section of the Asylum. He tells her that he doesn't care for that. Croc says that he just wants flesh.



    Harley Quinn is furious. She tackles Hugo, punching him. His bloody nose creates a red stain on the carpet. Hugo headbutts Quinn, kicks her in the stomach, and shoves her face into a lamp. Harley breaks a leg of the table, and she uses it as a makeshift bat, bashing it against Hugo's skull. Blood splatters against the walls, and Harleen's face. Her sister, Delia, walks in with Harley's daughter, Lucy. The two are shocked. Lucy tries to calm her mother, but Delia restrains her. Harley turns around, and she sees her shocked sister. Delia says that she knew something like this would happen. Harley tries to explain the predicament, but the two left.

    Harley walks to the Hall. She hangs her blood-stained jacket on a rack. A knife is thrown past her face. When she turns around, she sees Jason Todd. He tells her that he will kill her for what she did to him. She is shocked, as she had helped kill Jason. She tells Jason that she doesn't want to fight. She hits him, but he counters, flipping Harley out of the window.


    Before the two try to hit each other again, Batman lands between the two, stopping them.

    Meanwhile, Beast Boy, Captain Boomerang, and Robin are all on their phones, feeding Batman Regime secrets. King Shark walks in on them, discovering the moles. Beast Boy sends one final message to Bruce before being knocked unconscious:


    The Batwing zooms over Gotham. Inside are Harley Quinn, Livewire, and Black Canary. Then reach the Fortress of Solitude, and the three drop out. They sneak through a crack and proceed to crawl through an air vent overlooking King Shark. He begins to catch onto their scent and sees the three in the vent. He rips it out, and they fall out. Nanuaue knocks down Livewire. Black Canary uses her voice to stun the shark, and Harley shoots him in the head. King Shark gets up, pulling the bullet from the hole. King Shark rams Dinah into a wall, leaving Harley Quinn as the last Insurgent to face. King Shark tells her that after he kills her, he will snap Mera's neck.


    Nightwing bursts into the Control RoomHarley is surprised, and Nightwing kicks her in the face.


    Nightwing defeats Harley, and the three women are dragged away.

    Later, Superman gathers the Regime and announces his new plan. Before they find Eclipso, they will reinstate the Regime: once and for all. While Superman announces this, Bleeze, Shallox, and Larfleeze fly down, stating that they want to take part in the New Regime. Superman accepts.

    Meanwhile, Batman is planning his own plan of attack. He looks at a picture of Alfred, telling it that he misses him, before shedding a tear.

    Meanwhile, the Flash senses a disturbance, and two Flashes appear before him: Jay Garrick and Wally West, from a different time.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/INJUSTICEGAURulEs
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    They pretty much handed it to me day one. Had no idea of its history until getting here {and still really don't}

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Ben 10 as DLC for injustice 3 perhaps?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    So I was just doing myself a drink when I thought "hey,what if,if they make injustice 3,Ben 10 could be dlc!" so I sorta thought of some moves and stuff! And well this is just an idea I'd like to have FYI this is 16 Y/O Ben with master control to make it fairer

    So we could have Four arms as one special,or maybe a charge up attack to cause an area destruction scene Swampfire could be his ranged attacker so he could possibly be a zoner XLR8 could be similar to the flash but only for a short period And someone such as Ghostfreak can do stuff similar to maybe enchantress these characters could sort of be decided in the ability deciding thing like how they have custom builds for MK11 so you can have one build of the OG aliens and then another of the Alien force/Ultimate alien

    And his special could be so it starts off with humungosaur smashing them into the ground,then Ben could become Swampfire and burn them,before becoming wildmutt and doing something similar to bud and lou in harley's ult and it ends with him becoming ghost freak,lifting them up then making the enemy throw them self into the ground

    And they can give him An omniverse,Alien Force and Ultimate alien cosmetic!

    submitted by /u/Katsuki_Bakugo__
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    How often does dlc or legendary edition go on sale for Injustice 2?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    I haven't seen the dlc go on sale in a while, same with legendary edition.

    submitted by /u/Youhavebeenupvoted
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    Impossible mode- injustice 1 help

    Posted: 03 May 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get the platinum for injustice, I've beat every star labs mission with 3 stars but I have to beat every battle mode, including impossible, I have to fight everyone on the roster with the same Health bar (I heal depending on what I do in the match) and they each get harder overtime. Please, anyone who's beat this mode, give me tips on how to beat it. I can't get past like the fourth guy (then again I was just doing one attack). How can I beat it? Any tips?

    submitted by /u/jaybankzz
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    Hi! I have an active guild aiming to be the number one guild!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    If you're looking for an active guild on Xbox, then you should join my guild, I'm looking for really active members who can help get our GP as I play practically all day every day. The guild code is GH4WJ, if there's any issues or anything joining my gamertag is Rauryn, just send me a message:)

    submitted by /u/KingAuryn
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    My dream Injustice 3 roster

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    I think the plot is logically leading to a Multiversal Crisis event, so I decided to make a hypothetical one up. Let's say the Anti-Monitor, Batman who Laughs, Superboy Prime, and Darkseid are fighting for control over the Multiverse. Dead characters aren't off the table. Only half the roster are returning characters and DLC fighters are all new.

    Returning Fighters:



    Wonder Woman


    Green Lantern




    Martian Manhunter

    Harley Quinn

    Blue Beetle



    Green Arrow

    Black Canary

    Red Hood

    New Characters:

    Superboy Prime

    The Batman Who Laughs

    The Anti-Monitor

    Booster Gold

    Blue Beetle(Ted Kord)

    John Constantine


    Mary Marvel

    Mr Miracle

    Big Barda

    Mr Terrific

    Mr Mxysptlk


    Black Hand




    Dr Manhattan

    Beast Boy

    Plastic Man


    King Shark

    Captain Boomerang

    Plastic Man

    Power Rangers(similar to TMNT in I2)

    Shang Tsung

    Bronze Tiger

    Premier Skins:


    Omni Man(Superman)

    Calvin Ellis(Superman)

    Kyle Rayner(Green Lantern)


    The Monitor(Anti-Monitor)

    Punchline(Harley Quinn)

    Elongated Man(Plastic Man)

    Black Beetle(Blue Beetle)

    Young Justice Aqualad(Aquaman)

    Arsenal(Green Arrow)

    Killer Croc(King Shark)

    Lobster Johnson(Red Hood)

    submitted by /u/Papa_Johnathans_
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    Legendary edition not working?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    My brother bought Injustice 2 legendary edition a few years ago on disk. I recently started playing again and I manually wiped my save data from my Xbox before I started playing it again. I don't have any of the characters or skins and I'm wondering if there's something I need to do to activate it or if I screwed it up by wiping the save data.

    Edit: in the games section the picture for the game isn't changed. I'm not sure if it does change with legendary edition but it's still Superman standing in front of some wreckage. I went to manage the game and add ons and it said there was nothing there.

    submitted by /u/Fr0stHorizon
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    So I started this idea for a Marvel Injustice roster a couple of years back, and recent news has inspired me to complete it! This is a slideshow of a 40 character Marvel Injustice roster (which I'm calling Marvel: Collision Course), complete with power descriptions and traits!

    Posted: 02 May 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    I Want Super-Bugs for IJ3! Superman's powers + Toonforce = invincible!

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    Max profile level

    Posted: 02 May 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    What is the max profile level in this game. ive always thought it was level 100-150. But i just matched with someone that was level 244.

    submitted by /u/Right-Operation-3887
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    Need help for the first game if this is the right sub for a question on it. I’m on star labs like 218 or something like that, as black Adam playing HORSE with Shazam. This guy says you can win with this combo but idk what 4, b3 etc is. Someone have something to help?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    Green lantern players wya

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    So any time I ever see green lantern players end a combo it's always with 223 and not 2231. Is there a reason for that?

    submitted by /u/RelativeTelevision0
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    Batman Vs Robin Competitive gameplay

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    Marvelous Madness Fighting Concept

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    In light of the recent rumours, Ive started working on my own roster and story, involving aspects of the Secret Wars Storyline.

    Pre-Order Bonus: - Deadpool + X-Force Skin Pack

    Character Roster: (Each character gets a new costume design, as well as a comic accurate costume) - Iron Man - Captain America - Thor - The Hulk - Hawkeye - Black widow - Star-Lord - Spider-Man - Black Panther - Ant-Man - Daredevil - Wolverine - Quicksilver - Captain Marvel - Bucky / Winter Soldier - Yondu - Venom - Mystique - Jean Grey - Magneto - Loki - Juggernaut - Green Goblin - Dr. Doom (Unlocked Through Campaign)

    Basic Storyboard: Dr. Doom has transported a select number of the greatest heroes and foes of the Marvel Universe to a barren planet. Here they will fight to the death for power and glory throughout time and space, but what does Doom really have planned, and can they stop him before the death toll is too high to recover?

    Maps: • Maps With Transitions - Helicarrier Deck / Interior - Starks Underground Laboratory / Penthouse - Avengers Tower / New York Street - Ego the Living Planet / The Sovereign Planet - The Daily Bugle / Peters Apartment - Ant Mansion / Ant tunnels - Wakandan Monument / Vibraniun Mine - Barren Planet / Tournament Hall

    • Maps without transitions - Hawkeye's Family Farmhouse - X-Men Mansion - Dr. Doom's Latvarian Castle - The Bifrost

    There would be 4 DLC Packs:

    • Dark and Demented Pack: • Blade and Punisher Characters • Ronin, Daredevil Netflix, and US Agent costumes • New Map - Vampire Nest • New Campaign Mission - Blade and the Punisher align themselves with Doom but is it really worth it for Frank Castle? Ultimately side with one and kill the other.

    • Sorcery and Galactic Pack: • Dr. Strange, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Scarlet Witch Characters • Cosmic Ghost Rider, Mark 45 Space Suit, and Carnage Costumes • New Map - Sanctum Sanatorium / Hong Kong Sanatorium / London Sanatorium • New Campaign Mission - The guardians of the galaxy launch a Mission to save our heroes by recruiting the most powerful sorcerers in the universe, Stephen Strange and Wanda Maximoff. Can they break the magical teather keeping our heroes trapped on the barren planet?

    • Fantastic Pack: • Mr. Fantastic, Silver Surfer, The Thing, and Human Torch Characters (Invisible Woman is dead) • F4 Spidey, Doctor Doom F4, and White Wolf Costumes

    • New Map - Baxter Building • New Campaign Mission - After the death of Sue Storm in the Campaign, the Fantastic Four will try to reason with Doom, but can they save him, or will they just make things worse?

    • Robot Revolution Pack: • Ultron and Vision Characters • Mecha Hulk, Cyborg Cyclops, Android Bucky Costumes

    • New Map - Stark's Makeshift Lab / Dr. Dooms's Doom-Bot Lab • New Campaign Mission - Tony Revives Ultron and creates Vision in desperation to control the unending sea of doombots. But did Tony create a bigger threat to fight than Doom?

    This concept is still a work in progress so any help or suggestions would be very appreciated! Hope you enjoyed my ideas!

    submitted by /u/HanzoLucille7
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