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    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Injustice Would love it if a Talon could be DLC for Injustice 3

    Injustice Would love it if a Talon could be DLC for Injustice 3

    Would love it if a Talon could be DLC for Injustice 3

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:53 AM PST

    i can't use dlc characters

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 04:53 AM PST

    i bought the physical copy of the standard edition, but it says that i have the premium, so i bought sub zero but it says that i don't have the standard edition (edit) it also only shows that it's the premium edition once i update it

    submitted by /u/randomguywithmemes
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    Leonardo Main in Injustice 2. Any tips on the Batman matchup?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    I have a lot of trouble approaching (my friend's) Batman. I can't counter zone, since Leo's projectiles are pretty weak in neutral. I can't use Leo's turtling to dissuade him from zoning, and his turtling makes him move backwards (opposite from where I want) and its long recovery on successful absorption can be exploited with well timed batarangs/homing bats/zip line. I can use the metered dodge roll against his zipline, but he's adapted to not spam those. Also, what can Leo use to hit batman during his slide attack? It seems like Leo's combo starters just whiff on attempts to punish it. Is it a timing thing and I'm punishing too early in the animation? Or should I use something else?

    submitted by /u/WookieChoiX
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    Injustice still worth it?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Hey, I recently saw Injustice 2 on sale. But its pretty old now and Im wondering if anyone is playing it 2020.

    submitted by /u/sifirrrr
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    New To Injustice

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Hey all, I know I'm really late to the party but I just bought this game and I have questions regarding characters. My fan favorites are Scarecrow, Red Hood, Enchantress, and Dr. Fate. Among them, who is the best one and why? Don't be skeptical to use fighting game lingo, I understand most of it

    submitted by /u/Maroon_Juju
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    Next MK character in Injustice

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:16 PM PST

    It should be Johnny.

    Just throwing that out there.

    submitted by /u/StepMaverick
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    Fair play

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:16 PM PST

    Just a thought, but what if you could block out 3 of your opponents characters before a match. This would keep people who only play one from dominating leader boards.

    submitted by /u/jjkiss76
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    Injustice 3 New Characters and Their Traits

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST

    1. A.M.A.Z.O Android

    Trait: Grabs the opponent and absorbs them, stealing any special move of choice.

    1. Booster Gold

    Trait: Similar to Firestorm from IJ2, he can charge up his gauntlets for three levels that will unlock more moves

    1. Ra's Al Ghul

    Trait: Injects himself with a syringe containing Lazarus fluids. Works very similar to Bane's trait from IJ2, adds increased damage, armor, but also temporary health before being weaker again.

    1. Chesire

    Trait: Makes her Sais poison-tipped, adding damage overtime

    1. Mirror Master

    Trait: Creates a hologram of himself, similar to Subzero's ice statue but better

    1. Killer Croc

    Trait: Uses a healing factor that sheds off his scales, and regenerates a small amount of health.

    1. Terra

    Trait: Launches a piece of ground and hurdles it toward the opponent

    1. Larfleeze

    Trait: Creates a soldier construct that fights until it takes damage.

    1. Red Tornado

    Trait: Sends a cyclone to the opponent which does damage and twirls them into the sky for a second.

    1. Plastic Man

    Trait: His basic attacks temporarily reach across the screen.

    1. Aqualad

    Trait: Generates electricity which he can use to add electrical damage to his swords.

    1. Captain Boomerang:

    Trait: Throws a boomerang at the opponent that does damage to the opponent and back.

    submitted by /u/WinterAbies4
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    Is it just me or does Red Hood kind of suck?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 12:24 AM PST

    Red Hood/Jason Todd is maybe my favorite DC character so naturally, I play as him a lot but compared to other characters he seems rather weak. His character ability is practically useless unless I'm totally missing something, I can pull off the combo needed for it to work but its a hell of a lot easier to just use normal combos, and his special attacks don't seem as good as other characters. It's kind of really a bummer to think the character was added as an afterthought and not given the same attention as the rest. Also, and this may not affect gameplay but it really bothers me on general principle that he has pistols but has no moves that actually use them besides the supermove, that's what the "gotham stars" really should have been imo.

    submitted by /u/lostconfusedgeek
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    Azrael Moveset Concept (Injustice 3)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:43 PM PST

    This moveset concept was requested to me but I'm not sure from who. If you are that person it would be nice if you could remind me. So here it is, my moveset concept for Jean-Paul Valley Jr. otherwise known as Azrael.

    Power: Sacred Power of St. Dumas

    Azrael channels the power of St. Dumas, lighting his gauntlet blades on fire. This lasts for a short amount of time, although, all of Azrael's special moves deal continuous dmage for a short amount of time.

    Blazing Eruption:

    Azrael performs an aerial rotating his gauntlet blades along the way, striking his opponent multiple times.

    Summoning of St. Dumas:

    A portal opens above the opponents head. Azrael then teleports through the portal and can perform any moves while airborne.

    Blazing Trail:

    Azrael dashes into the opponents legs, knocking them off their feet. If you meter-burn this Azrael dashes back and forth, slicing the opponent.

    Sword of Suffering:

    Azrael, pulls out the Sword of Suffering. He then marks a line in the ground which St. Dumas sets on fire. If they cross this linee they will suffer the same affects as Sacred Power of St. Dumas.

    Firey Blast of St Dumas:

    Azrael strikes his sword in the air, causing a burning projectile to travel across the screen.


    Azrael transports himself and his opponent into the sacred land of St. Dumas. He then lights the sword of suffering on fire, and strikes the opponent multiple times (like in Robin's Supermove).Azrael then chants "St. Dumas, may I channel your wrath. A portal then opens in the sky, spitting out a bunch of fireballs, knocking the opponemt back onto th stage.

    Thanks to who ever requested this. If you remind me I will edit this post and include your username in the first paragraph. Bye!

    submitted by /u/VoltikItchy
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    Active guild on Ps4?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:25 PM PST

    That accepts new players? Psn SomeOneSly

    submitted by /u/_NamelessOne_
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    For some odd reason in Xbox my multiverse is unstable and it’s been like that for a few days now can someone help me out

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:59 PM PST

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